How to type in Korean keyboard
Achieving mastery in typing is really a great gift nowadays because our life is mainly dependent on technology which has become an essential part of it all over the world.
Maybe you are good at typing in Arabic keyboard, English keyboard, or any other language keyboards, but have you ever thought about how to type in a Korean keyboard? In this article, we will progress through how to use Korean typing or known as “Hangul keyboard”.
What is a Hangul keyboard or Korean keyboard?
Korean keyboard or known as Hangul in South Korea allows you to write in Korean letters, words, or phrases more easily. Fortunately, the windows and Mac operating systems offer a Korean keyboard option, But the question here is:
“How can I use Korean keyboard on my computer keyboard?”
It is really easy to change the keyboard language.
- First of all, go to the “control panel”
- then choose “region and language”
- open the “keyboard and languages tab”
- then click on “change keyboard”
- a list of all available language of your computer will appear
- choose the Korean language and return to the top of the list.
Learn how to type in Korean keyboard step by step
Once you being able to type on Korean keyboard, you can send an email to the Korean company, chat with your Korean friends or comment on websites or social media.
There are many steps toward being Korean typing masters:
Step one: using the right tools for Korean typing:
It is very important to learn the Korean keyboard layout. However, there are two types of Korean keyboard layouts known as 2-set and 3-set and others, but these are the most widely in the world. So, after you choose the Korean keyboard layout, insult it on your computer. Korean keyboard layout is available on both Mac and Windows and you can insult it easily by using special apps or websites.
Step two: learning how to use Korean keyboard layout:
First of all, we should know the Korean alphabet keyboard, because that will help us to write in Korean letters easily. The position in Korean keyboard letters has been invited by the Computer Scientists which they choose to divide the letters into tow gropes “left side for the consonants letter” and “the right side for the vowel letters.”
Although, the Korean keyboard letters have been divided in an easy way, it is a very good step to memorize the Korean keyboard layouts.
Step three: practice writing in Korean letters
After we show you how to type in Hangul keyboard, it is time to start practicing by using Korean keyboard online. This option will help you to know the layout of a standard Korean keyboard and learn the fundamentals in how to practice in an efficient way.
you can find a lot of useful Korean keyboard online links on websites which help you to became a Korean typing master in no time.
Korean virtual keyboard

An online keyboard is software that allows you to type characters in any language you choose. Normally an online keyboard provides on-screen keyboards with clickable buttons that allow users to type any character they want more easily.
The aim of using an online Keyboard is enhancing multilingual keyboard which helps you to type with foreign languages easily.
So, using virtual keyboard in Korean will enable you to type in the Korean language online without installing any software on your computer. however, the question here is:
What is the importance of using a virtual keyboard?
The Virtual keyboard is a designed and professional website that provides its users an important service such:
- Virtual keyboard allows anyone to type in their own language on foreign keyboards in a perfect way.
- enhancing more accessible typing experience by permitting typing by clicking in your own keyboard.
- It is supported a lot of languages over the world such as an Arabic language, an Indian language, French language, Korean language, and others.
- Providing an easy, simple and fast way to switch back and forth between different languages.
How to install Korean keyboard on phone?
If you have to write in Korean letters to chat with your Korean friends or need to send an email to a Korean company it is pretty easy to install the Korean keyboard on your phone.
For iPhone “iOS”
- At first, Go to Settings on your home screen
- Then, scroll down to “General”
- Go to keyboard.
- Choose the keyboards and then “add new keyboard”
- Scroll down and choose Korean.
- Then, choose your option “standard” or “10 key”
For Android system:
There are many apps on the “Google play store”, you can choose any app you want. The best part is that apps are free.
- Install the app “Google Korean input” on your device.
- Now, the app is ready and you can try it.
- It is simple to switch from English typing to Korean typing and the keyboard has a helpful auto-completion feature for two languages.
There is also another way to install a hangul keyboard:
- Press the setting button on the left of the space key on the keyboard.
- Choose “languages and typing” list
- Select the “manage input languages”
- Install the Korean language to your download languages list
- Activate it by pushing the switch to the right.
Installing the Korean keyboard on PC
A stepping stone to using a Korean keyboard is to install the Korean keyboard layout.
For Mac OS X: keyboard implementation steps:
- Firstly, click the apple icon and select “system preferences”
- Then, choose “keyboard”
- Select the “Input Sources” tab
- You will see only the standard English keyboard. At this point, you have to click on “+” sign on the left below of the page.
- A list of languages will appear in the left panel, scroll down, and select the Korean language.
- Now, the Korean keyboard is available on your Mac PC.
- You can switch back and forth between English and Korean more easily.
For “Windows 8” and “Windows 10”: how to implement a Korean keyboard:
You can follow the instructions that we have already mentioned above.